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Wearables, Apps and IoT

Change is coming fast, but this time it is working for us. The Internet of things, IoT, is going to be very important for us. This is the interconnectivity of internet devices, wearables, apps and us. We will get a far better analysis of our general health and well being from having our vital signs constantly monitored. Our health history will be on file.

Who knew that one of the earliest jobs to fade away would be the local GP. In some ways, they have contributed to this themselves, by rushing patients, only allowing patients to speak about one ailment at a time, whereas all the research shows that the indicators of strokes, onset of diabetes, possibility of falls, increasing frailty and decreasing physical ability will be measured but not only that, remedial exercises will be sent to us, which we will do , while copying them from a monitor and maintaining our health.

1/3 of over 65s experience a serious fall every year. Once a fall has been experienced, the statistical possibility of another fall happening rises by 50%.

Impact of Falling: Losing autonomy, difficulty in performing activities for daily loiving like washing, dressing, preparing food. It also has a psychological effect and cause loss of confidence and makes the faller more cautious.

Causes of Falling: Inattention, poor balance, dropping co-ordination, poor posture-many people walk with their head pushed forward, which has the body in semi falling position. Cognitive decline also is a factor because people do not notice where there might be a problem. Medication can cause fuzzy thinking.

Prevention: Do Balance and Strength exercises. Our personal monitirs will devise an exercise programme for us, making sure we strengthen our bones and muscles and improve balance. The apps will even congratulate us when we do well. Get used to hearing: Good Job, Mary.

Difficulties with getting in and out of bed, on or off the toilet, eating food, chopping and cutting food, bathing, dressing, putting on socks, fingers losing the capacity to grasp. . Not being able to easily walk 1/4 of a mile is also an indication. Dizziness and increasing frailty are also things to watch.

Doctors underestimate the importance of checking the gait and balance. These can be improved by daily , specific exercises.

Cognitive impairment rises dramatically as we age. However, the brain can be encouraged to produce new cells, find new channels and stay active. This is why in the event of a stroke, it is imperative to get to a hospital and start treatment as fast as possible. Learning a new language or skill are great ways to stimulate the brain. It is even better, if done in a group. Dementia is an appalling prospect.

But again, using the wearables, apps and IoT, we will be able to devise ways to help us to remember, use our brains and stay engaged. Because the treatment of Dementia, which is more care than treatment, Health Care systems are enthusiastic about the prospect of getting the apps and wearables putting programmes in place to enable us to not only stay aware and active, but also to stay independent. Ditto for Strokes. We will have an exercise programme on a monitor which we can work through during the day...or night.

Good sleep is a major factor and poor sleep has now been recognised as an important contributor to various illnesses.


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