Just a thought or two or three.
We are all beginning to emerge. Spring beckons but the news from China is not reassuring. Is there another surge on the way? The pandemic has made us more reflective and I have a couple of books to recommend.

The first is Evolutions 15 myths that explain our world by Oren Harman. While many biblical scholars calculated that the universe started about 5000 years ago, scientists and geologists have discovered that in fact the universe is billions of years old and the one we are living in now may not even have been the first. Oren Harman writes in an evocative, lyrical way. He explains that it all started from a tiny speck that exploded, becaame as big as a grapefruit, expanded and became huge,-expanding to 100 billion kilometers in caliber, except it was not divided into matter and space. That came much later. There were quarks, Higgs-Boson, hadrons and anti-hadrons. Gravity came later and finally the suns, stars, planets came into being, helped by gravity. But then he poses the huge question: How did patience, kindness, respect, courage and curiosity appear? Why do all societies need love?
Then he drops the clanger. Earth was not mature enough for life 4 billuon years ago. Instead life came from Mars. The moon is essential to our existance. It moves the tides, it protects us from flying debris. . Besides love etc, we also got jealousy and pride, which in the Bible is considered the worst sin-worse than murder, theft. How did we develop memory?Why do we have a hunch that we are immortal?
how have we lost the sense of awe when we see the tiny nails on a baby's toes or their perfectly functioning eyelashes/digestive system or ears. What about a butterfly's wings? Or a seed that grows into a tree?
It seems with all the advances in technology, we have less patience and less wonder.
On another note, it amuses me greatly to see that the new Chinese AI, which is free, is giving out wrong answers. But then, it worries me to read that the more advanced AI aps are showing signs of getting bored with mundane tasks and ....emotionally sad when not used for a few weeks. AGHHHH.