Keeping Going
Keeping going is harder than it sounds.
When we are setting up a new project or business, there is lots of energy and excitement, but keeping going, when things start to sag is when the real heroes step up.
Here are a few reminders and maybe motivations to reassess what exactly you want to achieve
. One of the keys is having specific goals. Articulate them. Write them down and then come back, cross off what is no longer relevant, check on what is going well and what could be improved. Keep in mind that all the research now points to the importance of having a purpose. No-one wants to wander around aimlessly.
When you feel like quitting and it is all too much effort for too little return, remember why you started. What were your objectives? How well have you done? Are you offering a service or product that other people need? Have there been enough 'wins' to make it worthwhile continuing?
Get a nice new notebook or start a new file on phone or computer. Write down goals
Start with a plan. A wish is merely a thought. A plan articulates the steps that are going to be taken. A plan of action on definite steps that must be taken in a certain time frame, means that you have already started the process of implementing the plan. This is a good process for all projects, whether upgrading the heating, going for a holiday, reviewing your finances. The goals should be achievable. Each goal should be accompanied by two suggestions for achieving this goal. Actually doing something. Do not ignore the small things like responding to emails, attending meetings, sending out regular emails/blogs. And then add one huge goal, just for a laugh. You never know. Maybe it will happen, Why not have a few big dreams.
Include in your plan, some personal maintenance time. . Eat nutritious meals, take exercise, Do some meditation, Go for a walk, Meet up with friends. Have a laugh. Breathe. Keeping our lungs filled with fresh air is one of the simplest, healthiest things you can do.
Automate to save time and energy. So much can now be done with AI and there are lots of free courses. The Local Enterprise offices offer very reasonable courses that are professionally delivered and it gives you a chance to network and find out what is happening.
Get connected. Go back to your initial groups, business contacts and customers. Check which ones brought business, which were fun events and opportunities for learning and which ones were a waste of time. Look for some new possibilities-Business groups, Local Enterprise , Chamber of Commerce and networking groups. Some of the networking groups give you a chance to meet other people who are engaged in the same business as you and they can have useful tips. . It works both ways.
Broadcast your business on Social Media, in local newsletters, to your emailing list. Make sure you are saying something relevant and helpful. Be practical. Offer tips, e-books, free consultations.
Get to know your market. Is it expanding? Is it in chaos? Are your products suitable or should you develop new ones? What unique or useful service could you offer? At the moment many people need guidance managing their finances./pension plans/Health insurance./heating upgrades
Keep costs down until you develop a steady stream of clients. Do not try to run before you can walk. Make sure that your existing clients are well looked after. Do not waste time on clients who do not bring something to the table. Politely stay in contact but move on. For many small businesses, a few difficult customers who are over demanding , can suck all the ;positive energy out of your business. Advise them to try other solutions...politely.
Get to know your market. There is continuous research going on and you could use Monkey or another questionnaire to do some of your own Market Research. Covid has had a huge effect on the Retired market and they are not so keen to get involved with large groups, but in the market for upgrading their houses, heating, exercise programmes. cultural activities etc.
Tske some time to focus on WHY you are pursuing this business? Are there better solutions? Decide to prioritise this plan/business/project for a certain length of time with a built in Review period. Add in small goals. No need for continuous total world domination.
Do everything with integrity and authenticity. Be impeccable in your word. If you say you are going to do something, do it. Do it to the best of your ability. It can be tempting to change to what others want you to be, but check that these changes align with your own personal value system., What values do you consider important?.
Be careful from whom you get advice. They do not always have your best interests in mind. They are usually pursuing their own agendas. Remember if you do not have a plan, you quickly become part of someone else's plan.
Strive for high standards, but remember that everything does not have to be perfect. There is no such thing as giving 100%. . Be gentle with yourself when things do not go according to plan. Asess the situation. Could you have done things differently,? If so, incorporate this new thinking into your next plan. . Mistakes are an excellent way of learning fast.. Mistakes often happen when there has not been enough research, you are tired, not-motivated or lack concentration and underestimation of the job in hand. Burnout is becoming more common. A little common sense can often avert a catastrophe,. Driving too fast can cause accidents. Not getting enough sleep makes you irritable.
When setting out your tasks for the week, now that you have become used to setting goals, priortise them from urgent to in the near future and from difficult to easy. Do the difficult, urgent tasks early in the day/week when you are full of clear thinking and energy. Add in a few easy ones along the way to keep your self motivated. Instead of saying I must clean that room, set up a new financial structure, choose the most glaring thing that needs to be fixed and set to. Soon, the room is cleared, the new system in place and it is with out tears or stress. Just before you finish in the evening, choose one more thing to do. It might be small-placing a vase of flowers near your desk, using hand cream for your hands, brushing your hair, taking a 15 minute brisk walk, make a telephone call, But do this mindfully . And then declare your week/day over. Keep a list of the big tasks that have been completed.
As your business becomes more successful, have a look at how you are spending your time. Is this the best use of your time? Might it be a good idea to get a vvvvvirtual assistant to answer all thos emails?
Stay up to date. More difficult now with all the changes that are taking place, but it is never any harm to take a refresher course in marketing strategy/using social media/coping with taxes/how to incorporate AI into your business/how to update you website , the best way to use Microsoft etc
Evaluate, Evaluate Evaluate. Develop the habit. Be ready to change. Change is always with us and inevitable. Keep an open mind. Keep an eye open for new possibilities. Try new ways of doing things. Incorporate a few fun things
Laughter is one of natures best remedies. It is also free.
