Enhance your environment
There is a macro and a micro approach to looking after the environment. Looking at the amount of plastic sloshing around in the rivers and the oceans is sad beyond belief.
However, if we all change how we manage on a day to day basis, in our own lives, and if a sizeable amount of people implement these changes, positive results can be achieved..
Some of these might require some effort, but nothing excessive.
You do not have to do all of them today.
But do make a start.
Here are 12 'doable' improvements.
1. Plant and label trees wherever possible and label existing trees. Native flowering trees, Willow, Hawthorn and Blackthorn provide important food for pollinators, Fruit trees are easy to plant, can even be planted in containers,provide blossoms for pollination. and you will get something to eat. Win/win.
2. Organise an Eco walk in your own area, pointing out the various trees, plants, birds, flowers, sources of water and animal tracks etc . We have just discovered a family of badgers living among the bamboos in the garden..
3.Plant flowers that are attractive to bees-single roses/flowers, lavender, Plant pollinator friendly bulbs=crocus, snowdrop, Allium. . Let the dandelions bloom, especially in April and May.
4. Put a bee hive plan in place-where appropriate. Not as easy as just leaving out a bee hive and having a bee hive for the collection of honey is more complicated. But, if you know someone who knows about bees, offer a place in your garden for a non collection of honey hive. Leave the honey for the bees.
5. Put up a few bird boxes, making sure to place them in a safe area, out of direct breeze and direct sunshine, and certainly out of the grasp of cats and magpies.
6. Cut the grass less short and less often. We need to stop expecting velvet lawns. Clover, moss, wild flowers,shamrock and even clumps of thistles and nettles are much better for everyone and require less work.
7. Check out and support the local grass,, hedgerow and verges maintenance programme.. This year most areas allowed wild flowers, weeds and grasses to grow. Hedges were only cut when it was clear that the nesting season was over and the baby birds fledged.
8. Try composting: this can be done in a bin if you do not have room for a box. Communal composting areas are often targeted by people who have allergies or are fearful of vermin and so, do not seem to work in Ireland.
9. Implement Reduce, re-use and recycle
10. Make a conscious effort to use less plastic.
11.Use LED lightbulbs
12. Pick up a couple of pieces of rubbish-bottles, papers, coffee cups-everyday and put them in your own bin. A pain, I know. However, the Councils object to emptying bins. I think on the grounds of hygiene as people stuff all sorts of unsavoury things in public bins.
Have a go-Your Planet Needs You
