Make Work, Work
As with all ill winds, the present setback has thrown up a lot of possibilities, especially for older people. We are now being recognised...

Up sticks and Go
The photo is not up to date. In Hong Kong today, thanks a bit to Covid 19, thanks a lot to new environmental policies, the sky is now...

What did the Vikings ever do for us?
Well as it happens, they left us many words that are still used in our day to day language, both in English and in Irish. For a start the...

It's a Ceangal! A tangle, a mish mash, a mess!
We have been through a lot. We have been incredibly patient while the world and his mother insisted on telling us what to do, and...

Covid-Catchy Changes.
Who would have thought that change could happen so quickly? This time last year, we were planning holidays, buying gifts, making out...

Top Tips for staying Sane
How quickly life has changed for all of us. This time last year, we were happily heading off on holiday and making plans for other trips....

Here comes...The Fear Factor
https://shoutout.wix.com/so/dcNE0MqAi Each time we turn on the tv. or radio, open a newspaper, we find that there is yet another thing to...

Brutally Honest Retirement
Dan Tuohy has started a brutally honest and timely discussion on how professional rugby, ( and even soccer) players) slope off to...

Add Healthy Years to your Life.
Walking may be one of the powerful, effective and efficient 'medicines' available ' and is even more effective if done outside) and out...