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Change is coming...Fast.

Being disruptive or being called a disrupter used to be a bad thing. But no more. Now, disrupters are sought out for their disruptive skills because they have the talent of changing how things are done, introducing new thinking and following through. We were just mastering the skills of sending emails, when Social Media arrived along. The Youth have deserted Facebook and gone to SnapChat. We are finding Facebook handy for keeping in touch, sharing photos and keeping up with new developments. And now it is all rushing ahead again - with the arrival of 5G.

5G is faster, more complicated and on a shorter wave length than 2. or 4. This is needed because more is being demanded as the disrupters seize the opportunity to use these technologies to facilitate new services, new ways of making money, living our lives and communicating.

5G is going to change many things , Most obviously how we interact with our health professionals. Who would have guessed that the beleaguered GPs would be among the first to disappear and be replaced by robots.? The robotics, which may or may not have a human form, will be able to process the data/symptoms/test readings , check them against a huge data base, take your previous health history and DNA into account and come up with a swift diagnosis and treatment. This will be monitored by your resident robot, who will also be helping you with your finances, grocery shopping, vacuuming, grass cutting, transport and maybe even a challenge to do a crossword or game of chess. Our household robots will have not only a human form, but Trinity College are working on a robot which when turned off looks as though the face is a white mask. When this is turned on, the face begins to move, blinking the eyes solemnly when we speak and maybe even breaking into a smile if we crack a joke. And we, will fall for it and become attached to our robots, give them names, have confidence in them maybe even, like in Japan, fall in love with them. Many Japanese men prefer their robot girl friend to a real woman.

However, many scientists are worried that we are hurtling along, adopting this new technology without proper screening, research or study. The studies carried out to date have used the accepted level of electromagnetic waves and found that in people who live near masts, that there is a higher incidence of tumors and in rats that were subjected to radiation, they also developed brain tumors. Because 5G waves are shorter, they are going to necessitate more masts on lamp posts, buildings and even trees. While this is not great for humans it is totally disruptive, in the bad old fashioned way, for bees, birds and insects because they become disorientated, forget to eat and die. The thing is that if the bees go, we all go. A bit of a dilemna. Who will pollinate our plants?

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